
教学素材 | 当失去记忆,我还是我吗?奥斯卡影后朱丽安•摩尔关于阿尔茨海默症的演讲双语视频及文本

本期教学素材关注阿尔茨海默症,通过电影《依旧爱丽丝》中患早期阿尔茨海默症的女主角Alice Howland发表的演讲,感受她对抗疾病与遗忘,重建与自我、与社会的联系的顽强精神。素材包含双语视频及文本,适用于视听说、口语、演讲、英美文化等课程。



近期黄渤开了家 “忘不了餐厅”。

相比如今国内阵容豪华的餐厅、美食节目,这家小店或许并不起眼,唯一特别之处是五位患有阿尔茨海默症(Alzheimer disease,简称AD)的老年服务生。



综艺节目的播出再一次唤起了人们对于阿尔茨海默症群体的关注,这一特殊人群的故事其实已经不是第一次被置于聚光灯下,奥斯卡获奖影片《依旧爱丽丝》(Still Alice)讲述的就是一位阿尔茨海默症作斗争患者与“遗忘”抗争的故事。

电影中的女主角Alice Howland是一位患病的语言学教授,她在影片中用一段铿锵有力、感动人心的演讲告诉我们:患上阿尔茨海默症,失去记忆与语言并不可怕,依然可以坚强并勇敢地生活。主演朱丽安·摩尔(Julianne Moore)也凭借在影片中对阿尔茨海默症患者的精湛演绎获得了金球奖和奥斯卡最佳女主角。

下面就让我们通过聆听影片中Alice在Alzheimer's Association的演讲,感受她对抗遗忘的坚韧力量吧!


Good morning, it's an honor to be here.

The poet Elizabeth Bishop once wrote:

The art of losing isn’t hard to master. So many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their lost is no disaster.

I am not a poet. I am a person living with early onset Alzheimer's, and as that person I find myself learning the art of losing every day. Losing my bearings, losing objects, losing sleep, but mostly losing memories.

Em, I think I will try to forget that just happened.

Elizabeth Bishop:伊丽莎白·毕肖普,美国著名女诗人。她是美国1949-1950年度的桂冠诗人,并于1956年获普利策奖。代表作为《北方·南方》《一个寒冷的春天》。

All my life, I've accumulated memories; they've become in a way my most precious possessions. The night I met my husband, the first time I held my textbook in my hands, having children, making friends, traveling the world. Everything I accumulated in life, everything I worked so hard for, now all that is being ripped away. As you can imagine, or as you know, this is hell, but it gets worse.

Who can take us seriously when we are so far from who we once were? Our strange behavior and fumbled sentences change other's perceptions of us and our perceptions of ourselves. We become ridiculous, incapable, comic, but this is not who we are, this is our disease. And like any disease, it has a cause, it has a progression, and it could have a cure.

My greatest wish is that my children, our children, the next generation do not have to face what I am facing. But for the time being, I'm still alive, I know I’m alive. I have people I love dearly, I have things I want to do with my life. I rail against myself for not being able to remember things. But I still have moments in the day of pure happiness and joy. And please do not think that I am suffering, I am not suffering. I am struggling, struggling to be a part of things, to stay connected to who I once was.

So living in the moment I tell myself.

It's really all I can do. Live in the moment, and not beat myself up too much, and, and not beat myself up too much for mastering the art of losing.

One thing I will try to hold on to though is the memory of speaking here today. It will go, I know it will, it may be gone by tomorrow. But it means so much to be talking here today like my old ambitious self who was so fascinated by communication.

Thank you for this opportunity. It means the world to me.

Thank you!


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